1·Scientists have been arguing for decades about whether the moon contains significant quantities of water.
2·The nanocrystalline alloy absorbs significant quantities of hydrogen and which lead to the lattice expansion.
3·Until recently, PCL was not widely used in significant quantities for biodegradable polymer applications due to cost reasons.
4·In the presence of cadmium and at 30 degrees centigrade, significant quantities of the enzyme were disabled, indicating oxidative damage.
5·A second issue is that uranium is a comparatively scarce material, which exists in significant quantities in only a small number of countries.
6·Astronomers can scrutinize this light for compelling evidence of life in the planet's air, such as significant quantities of both methane and oxygen.
7·Who would have thought that they consume manufactured significant quantities of carbon dioxide produced by the enterprise ultimately where the energy transfer?
8·They generate significant quantities of base-load power while capturing and storing some 90% of the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted, in deep geological formations.
9·In 2005 less than 6% of the plastic from America's municipal waste stream was recovered. And of that small fraction, the only two types recycled in significant quantities were PET and HDPE.
10·Cigartobacco is grown in significant quantities in Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Sumatra, the Philippines, and the Eastern United States.